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  About Us
DSL Components is the official and exclusive Manufacturers' Representative for its global electronic components manufacturers, providing end-to-end support to their customers and channel partners throughout Israel, Turkey, Greece and Cyprus. Originally from Toronto, Canada, David Lipener, Founder and CEO, has 30+ years in experience in component technical sales and marketing, having supported hundreds of suppliers and customers worldwide.

DSL Components and its suppliers are known for their drive to provide quality, innovative products, on-time, surpassing customer expectations.  Best-in-Class international logistic services and stocking programs are available to meet our customers needs and requirements speeding up product time-to-market.

DSL Components is committed to supplying our customers with the highest level of technical and sales support in industry sectors including: Aerospace, Agriculture, Commercial, Cyber, Communications, Defense, Digital Signage, Energy, Industrial Automation, IoT, Lighting, M2M, Medical, Military, Security and Telecommunications.

 Our Mission

DSL Components delivers high quality, innovative technology solutions and exceptional support from its world-class suppliers to electronics designers, manufacturers and channel partners throughout the Mediterranean region.

 Our Vision

Leveraging our unique ability to build personal relationships, we wish to create mutually beneficial perpetual partnerships with customers, suppliers and channel partners, to be their prominent trusted advisor in growing market share and delivering needed technology to the world. 

 Our Values

Honesty, reliability, relatability and quality of service are the principles on which DSL was founded and will remain devoted to. DSL therefore employs and partners with individuals and organizations aligned with these same core values. They are what define DSL, what it stands for and what it wishes to contribute to society consistently.

 Your Benefit

DSL Components understands your needs and provides unwavering support from design concept through production.  Our extensive hands-on experience in today's High-Tech world allow us to provide you with innovative leading technologies and unparalleled service that will enhance your design and strengthen your design team.

Contact Us  directly with any questions - We Are Here to Help!

David Lipener
Moshe Lipener

Founder & CEO

Managing Director

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